Part 5 – Follow-up your teaching situation
This is part 5 of the web course on gender equality. You are supposed to follow up on your teaching situation together with colleagues. Evaluate your chosen teaching situation and document discussions and thoughts on what can be done differently next time.
Good luck!

On the basis of the theoretical article you have taken part in (about norm critical approaches) and the teaching situation you have planned and carried out, you now need to reflect together on the results. You will be given the opportunity to link the content of the text as well as the content in the mini-lectures to the teaching situation you planned. You will need the documentation from your earlier discussions and reflections together.
Discuss and reflect together in your working group
- What happened in the teaching situation? Did it go according to plan?
- Were all children given equal opportunities to test and develop their abilities in your activity regardless of gender?
- Have you noticed any limiting norms in relation to your activity? Have you reflected on which norms might be limiting at your preschool, regardless of this particular teaching situation?
- Have you thought about the representation at your preschool? Is there anything you can do as teachers to broaden the representation?